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Time now: 27-Jul-24 01:17 PM

General Chit Chat

Title From Messages Last Post
Historic Star Boatclub. GeoCaching <> 1 07-Jan 23:58
Coffee Chris Wiltshire <> 2 02-Jul 11:20
Stu didn't pick Ireland Tui Gordon <> 2 15-Feb 20:55
Some more mental signs.. Chris W <> 7 15-Feb 16:39
Snowplanet Mel <> 2 06-Apr 08:48
Derek Live at the Frog Bryn <> 1 03-Nov 23:22
Need help identifying a CPU card.. Chris W <> 12 31-Aug 12:49
Sillyness by the pool.. - It will only end in tears! (Of laughter...?) Chris W <> 1 23-Aug 16:44
missed you on the golf course he who shall not be named <> 1 28-Jul 08:54
It's MAAAA moonten!! Marvin <> 3 19-Apr 18:59
Card Game Rules... Chris W <> 4 24-Sep 13:09

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