2Talk - Affordable VoIP service provider - New Zealand - Review

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2Talk are a New Zealand based Voice over IP (VoIP) provider who offer excellent rates for both national and international calling rate.

They provide plans which include heaps of national minutes, country minutes (calls to overseas land lines), you can also bulk purchase mobile minutes in packs of 100 mins for around $10+ GST.

The best part about it is that you can say goodbye to your traditional land line, and stop paying for the line rental.

I've been with 2Talk, using their services for over 6 years now, we ditched our costly (with line rental) phone service and have been using VoIP successfully at home. 2Talk are a 'bring your own device' provider of VoIP services, they are well suited for those who are technically savvy and want to save costs.

You can in-port your existing land-line number, and once your existing number is within your account, you'll then be able to connect to it from anywhere in the world. - So, no changing your phone number when you move. - It's always been a bugbear of mine that local numbers were tied to particular local telephone exchanges, well no longer! - Shift it to VoIP, and you can take it with you when you move. :)

If you're keen to see what their prices are like, click here for more info...

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